AWARDS: este o sursă vibrantă de inspirație și informație, unde explorez diverse subiecte cotidiene. Cu o abordare personală și autentică, scriu despre experiențele și observațiile mele din viața de zi cu zi, acoperind teme precum lifestyle, sănătate, relații, modă și dezvoltare personală. 


You Are The One You Dress. Period.

– Nowadays there are a lot of cool projects regarding urban fashion in Romania. Please tell me, how does Reprobable shine through?

„It has the soul of a child.
It might ask simple questions, but at the same time give a complex answer.
Also, Reprobable is approachable, credible, clean, honest and…free.
I should have started with that actually. With the fact that R. loves FREEDOM. Irremediable. That’s why it will never take it away from you, and that’s why it breaks all boundries and it encourages you to develep a personal signature in order to have your own fashion style.”

– How did you come up with this bussiness idea and the name „REPROBABLE” ?


„Oh well, if you remember… In our previous conversations I used to always talk about how Reprobable means freedom. True freedom.
We see all kind of trendy people arround us, but we don’t really see people who put their personality in their outfits, don’t you agree?
Doesn’t it happen to you to notice people who do not wear their inner-selves with pride, people who would rather create this public image which actually hides a sad ego full of vanity?
What do these people do?! They develop several personalities and by doing this they hide their own. How does this happen? The lack of self-confidence or because of the desire to impress others, not themselves, no matter what.
Clothes though, if they suit you so well, that’s it. They tell a story about who you are, not about who you want to be. You are the one you dress. Period.
… so that’s why Reprobable. With these thoughts I created R.”

– Would you say Reprobable it’s a design phenomenon? Why?

„Yes! I really think it is.
Because it is brave. It has the guts to tell you who you could be, and at the same time it is brave enough to explain to you why it’s important to know yourself, to approach yourself with honesty and accept youself as you are, to love yourself as you are and not how you think you should in order to deserve love.

I want to believe that the first thing that Reproable teaches you is to choose yourself.
To live life as yourself.”

– As we can see here we find unconventional garments, unordinary, but extremly beautiful. To whom does Reprobable adress: who are the people who would wear these clothes and what kind of vibe do these clothes bring to our looks?

„We adress to real people. They are our target.
Those people with a smile in their eyes, and not to those who practice happiness in a mirror, transforming it in a fake photogenic smile.
TO those people that catch attention with their personality and not with an ego ultra-branded with vanity.”

– If it were for us to dress head to toes with REPROBABLE, it would remind us of the parisian fashion: simple, chic, fresh, young. How do you define the garments of this brand and how do you see their evolution on the market? Why should we wear R.? What kind of textile does Reprobable use?


„I would say each product it’s unique, special and a little bohemian.
Parisian, how you so well call it, would be as well a great atribute for R.
Anyway, I wouldn’t actually dare to put -must- as a sine qua non imperative for R.
I would only say that I know for sure you would love wearing our clothes. You tell me, who doesn’t love comfort? Who wouldn’t rather wear clothes with attitude instead of a boring one, probably even faked after one of Kim Kardashian’s latest appearences?
We are a little avant-garde, I would say. Always one step ahead of the trend, without being any less carefully involved in any trends of the moment.”

– Tell us, please, about the cocktail collection or the evening one.

„My evening collection represents, and at the same time it doesn’t, without any joke, a special line of slip-dresses.
„Full of Sex Marriage” or „Lack of Chemestry” as I like to call it… it is feminine, sensual, it dresses and undresses you at the same time.
You choose how you wear it, where you wear it, with who, and most importantly for who you wear it.
It’s versatile, urban, minimalistic, and with a bit of a porn-chic vibe. It’s swet, but sexual at the same time.
Yes, this is it: a line of clothes that inspire and expire sex and sexuality.
Lust. Body. Nakedness.

– The shoes are also special and very important for the general appearance. What is so unique about a pair of shoes from Reprobable?

„For example: chalk.
You seem a little confused, so let me explain. Our shoes are carefully treated and painted so that they could be wrote on. Some of them are already written by me and the message cannot be changed but there are others that you can write on yourself, whenever and whatever you feel like writing, because these shoes work like a chalk-board you would find at school. You write something and when you want you erase it with a sponge and write something else. Cool huh? What do you think?”

– Is there anything you would like to add at the end?

„Reprobable has just been selected by Not Just A Label, the well-known platform for unconventional designers, icon for the fashion industry, as the Black Sheep and I am really proud of this accomplishment. Why? Because to be a Black Sheep NJAL involves an awareness, some sort of approval that you are truly an innovative brand. Being a pioneer in fashion, a black sheep is brand with real chances of developing fast and surely. It also means to enjoy all the support from NJAL’s team, it’s like having a really great visit card in your pocket, whic opens doors for you, until you start knocking yourself kno? Hahah!”

It’s open, dear! We are always Open(Minded).

-with love, R-