– Nowadays there are a lot of cool projects regarding urban fashion in Romania. Please tell me, how does Reprobable shine through? „It has the soul of a child.It might ask simple questions, but at the same time give a complex answer.Also, Reprobable is approachable, credible, clean, honest and…free.I should have started with that actually.…
Many people believe that happiness is having fun at a party, the excitement of new experiences, the thrill and passion of sex, or the delights of a fine meal. These are all wonderful experiences to be cherished and cultivated but they are not happiness. These experiences are the definition of pleasure. Pleasure is fleeting and…
A signature look is the holy grail of personal style.It is the icing on a refined, well-curated wardrobe, but at the same time the best starting point for any style journey.Whether you are a complete beginner or a curating pro, this guide will show you how to design, shape and refine your signature look from…
One day I sat down and wondered…why do we eat cereal for breakfast? Why can’t we eat other foods at breakfast time? Why does the fork go on the left and the knife on the right? Why is a suit considered formal attire? And the only answer I could come up with…was convention.Next time you…
Lately I’ve been wondering exactly what means to create a life you love.What are the components of a life well-lived? What will it take for us to say with conviction that we love our lives? Is it just a self-help pipe dream to aspire to live an exceptional life? In pondering these questions, I noticed…
Another important thing about happy people don’t care for is: 7. The Past or the Future The past does not exist, neither does the future.If you want to be happy, you’ve got to let go of the past and move on with life. Learn from it and grow from it, then make sure you don’t…
Worrying and complaining are vicious circles.Don’t worry that you are worrying. Our minds are reactive: judging and comparing, liking and disliking, clinging and condemning. As long as we’re identified with these judgments and preferences, wants and aversions, our minds are continually thrown out of balance, caught in a tiring whirlpool of reactivity. Are you changing…
Happy People are Reprobable!…and don’t care. Happy people do things for anothers with no expectations in return. They do things for others because they want to, just because they love to bring joy and smiles people around. “The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” ~Samuel Johnson…
Who you are?What means being yourself?It means examine your thoughts and actions, and work out whether they are derivative of expectations that others have implanted (parents, friends, media, society at large) or whether they are derivative of your own values, drives, and beliefs. Sometimes the two are congruent. Sometimes, you try to be more like…
DON’T CARE! Be Reprobable! Humans are amazing, though; we adapt, we heal, we are capable of growing stronger.When we acknowledge that changes, challenges, and hardships are there to deepen us, to remind us that we do get second chances, and that we are each made up of love, compassion, and healing, something remarkable happens. With…