AWARDS: este o sursă vibrantă de inspirație și informație, unde explorez diverse subiecte cotidiene. Cu o abordare personală și autentică, scriu despre experiențele și observațiile mele din viața de zi cu zi, acoperind teme precum lifestyle, sănătate, relații, modă și dezvoltare personală. 


septembrie 2016

19 sept. 2016
Adina Banea

I am not my job!

Lately I’ve been wondering exactly what means to create a life you love.What are the components of a life well-lived? What will it take for us to say with conviction that we love our lives? Is it just a self-help pipe dream to aspire to live an exceptional life? In pondering these questions, I noticed…
CITEȘTE about I am not my job!
13 sept. 2016
Adina Banea

Don’t worry that you are worrying

Worrying and complaining are vicious circles.Don’t worry that you are worrying. Our minds are reactive: judging and comparing, liking and disliking, clinging and condemning. As long as we’re identified with these judgments and preferences, wants and aversions, our minds are continually thrown out of balance, caught in a tiring whirlpool of reactivity. Are you changing…
CITEȘTE about Don’t worry that you are worrying
09 sept. 2016
Adina Banea

Who you are

Who you are?What means being yourself?It means examine your thoughts and actions, and work out whether they are derivative of expectations that others have implanted (parents, friends, media, society at large) or whether they are derivative of your own values, drives, and beliefs. Sometimes the two are congruent. Sometimes, you try to be more like…
CITEȘTE about Who you are
07 sept. 2016
Adina Banea

What is Reprobable?

Hello lovely people, What is Reprobable? If I had to sum it up in a single sentence, I would say, Reprobable is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favour of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.No judge, no lies, fearless!Just simple, approachable/affordable, clean, friendly, different. But in…
CITEȘTE about What is Reprobable?