AWARDS: este o sursă vibrantă de inspirație și informație, unde explorez diverse subiecte cotidiene. Cu o abordare personală și autentică, scriu despre experiențele și observațiile mele din viața de zi cu zi, acoperind teme precum lifestyle, sănătate, relații, modă și dezvoltare personală. 


What is Reprobable?

Hello lovely people,

What is Reprobable? If I had to sum it up in a single sentence, I would say, Reprobable is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favour of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.
No judge, no lies, fearless!
Just simple, approachable/affordable, clean, friendly, different. But in a lovely way.
Your way!

…because you are truly amazing, you know?? You really are.

Simple. Open minded. Fresh. Cool. Young. Peaceful. Honest. Beautiful. Stylish. Unique.

Once you connect with your core fashion persona, your style will improve day by day and you’ll look fabulous.
This will radiate through the way you dress. You’ll feel good and magnetize everyone around in clothes-horses like every girl from Gossip, the movie.
I’m pretty sure of that, no doubt! Aren’t you?�
You know, another great thing about Reprobable, except his unique style of course, it’s also the fact it really adores to share with you its faith about the beauty of simplicity and love: when you really dig in, you will realize that when you live with less, your life becomes more than you have ever imagined.

Reprobable is nothing more than a tool which can assist you in finding freedom.

Freedom from fear.
Freedom from worry.
Freedom from feeling overwhelmed.
Freedom from guilt.
Freedom from depression.
Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around.
Real freedom.

Otherwise, these days I’ve told you about a list with 10 things happy people don’t care for.
After we talked about the first one, the Age, is time today to name the second one whhich is:


This is one of the biggest blocks to our happiness.

Happy people don’t care for that. They recognise that the words of others are never accurate and should never judge them for who they are and what they’re capable of.

Instead, they block it out. They don’t allow such false illusions to get in the way of what it is they want to do or how they feel. Only what they think of themselves matter.

Be Reprobable

You are amazing anyway!

With love,